

超過130場精彩演出 - 藝壇年度曯目盛事!

2015 年了,祝大家新年進步

第一個揀選的節目,當然非 星耀佛蘭明高 (Gala Flamenca) 莫屬!不過,喜歡 Flamenco 的朋友如想買票就要請早,聽聞現在只餘極少量門票。如果今次錯過了,就可能要到西班牙,才可以欣賞他們精采的演出。
Carlos Rodriguez  ©Cesar Moreno Linde

第二位選了 Bobby McFerrin,但是不好意思,倘若您今天還在猶豫看不看這位大師的演出節目,就請不要再猶豫了,因為這個節目已經Full House(全院滿座)。不過,您仍可以在加料節目中一睹大師的風采。

第三位就揀選了這個粉紅馬天尼,喜愛爵士音樂的朋友不要錯過。或者您可以從中找到 Jazz 跟 Flamenco 來個 Cross Over的靈感,從而創作一首比 Paco de Lucia 的 Entre Dos Aguas 更震撼的作品。


Arthur C.
31 December 2014


Utopia --- Maria Pages Compania (Spain)

CCM 主辦   佛蘭明高舞蹈《烏托邦》

日期: 27.12.2014 -- 28.12.2014

時間: 20:00

地點: 綜合劇院

價格: $300 | $250 | $200* | $150*

時間: 27.12.2014 -- 28.12.2014

舞蹈與建築,在最意想不到的地方相匯交融,化作充滿激情的迷人佳作。西班牙頂級編舞及舞者瑪莉亞.柏希斯 (Maria Pagés),從巴西國寶級建築大師奧斯卡.尼邁耶 (Oscar Niemeyer) 創作的優美線條之間得到靈感,構思出佛蘭明高舞作《烏托邦》。柏希斯闊別12年再度訪澳,旗下精銳舞者盡出,在現場演繹的佛蘭明高及巴西音樂與歌聲之中,以肢體構建出光與影的盛宴。而這位「佛蘭明高天后」更會親身上陣,穿上一身鮮艷長尾舞裙,遊走於充滿大地色彩的舞者之間,懾人意象帶出無窮想像,令人嚮向的理想國度仿如就在眼前。

《烏托邦》的創作源起自2010年,柏希斯與尼邁耶相聚,被他對社會及人文精神所作的卓越貢獻深深打動,促使她以美學及倫理角度展示突破框框、尋覓理想的渴望,並注入多位詩人作家如塞萬提斯(Cervantes) 及薩拉馬戈 (Saramago) 的作品思想,以作品呈現出人生的不同面向,訴說著團結、承擔、生命的短暫,以及內心憧憬的美好將來,令舞作不僅美艷絕倫,更盛載著哲人對生命的巧思。


時間: 70分鐘

主辦: 澳門文化中心

María Pagés - Prensa

19 April 2013 (Fri)沙田大會堂


Utopia就是沒有現塲結他伴奏,初段確實是有點失望,不過,沒多久就被舞者們的舞姿吸引著,令我的血脈也沸騰起來。唯一覺得美中不足的(純個人意見),就是Maria Pages的年紀已經不輕,而荷葉裙有一定重量,以致她在舞動荷葉裙時,好像有點吃力,不過,她的整體表現仍然是處於極高平,整個節目也非常悅目耀眼



Arthur C.
24 November 2014


Paco Pena - Flamenco sin Fronteras (Hong Kong 2012)

photo photo photo photo photo photo photophotophoto

14 May 2012(Mon)晚上,我第一次現場觀賞Flamenco,估不到竟然是Paco Pena,哈哈~這套名為<無疆界佛闌明高>的音樂表演,是將西班牙Flamenco與Latin America,特別是Venezuela,結合起來,非常精采。

說實話,雖然知道Paco Pena是一位殿當級的Flamenco藝術家,但是,由於當時我實在對Flamenco的認識很有限,其實整晚都沒有特別留意Paco Pena精湛的彈奏技考。反而我對Ramon Martinez奪目耀眼的舞技,以及他跳舞時汗花四濺的情景,印象特別深刻。

看畢這場表演,最大的感受是﹕ 不要再玩Flamenco,因為她實在太奧妙了,我根本不能理解當中的細節技考,尤其是對於一個只有皮毛音樂底子的初哥來說。雖然理性叫我算罷,但是感性又叫我不要放棄,盡管那是一條漫長的路(或是一條沒完沒了的路)。最後,感性戰勝理性,我還是選擇繼續去玩Flamenco。

20 Nov 2014
Arthur C.

World Music Weekend: Pansori meets Flamenco

(World Music | Korea / Spain)


Featuring the combined forces of Jeong Ga Ak Hoe and musicians from Las Migas, two distinctive musical traditions meet in this unique fusion concert at the climax of the festival’s World Music Weekend.

The vocal and percussion power of Korean Pansori and the raw energy of Flamenco both express life’s most profound emotions. Guided by a passion for their own respective cultural heritage, these gifted performers come together to create new multicultural experiences, combining two of the most deeply rooted forms of national and international music. Innovative, rich and exhilarating, East meets West, listen and be amazed!



Carmen by Compañía Antonio Gades (Spain)

An excellent Flamenco performance in 2015.  Make sure you won't miss it !

VenueDate & TimePrice
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$520, $400, $280, $180
order now

Inspired in the work by Prosper Merimée Story, Choreography and Lighting Antonio Gades and Carlos Saura.

‘With Gades’s choreography center stage, Carmen holds up as a classic, universal in its appeal, timeless in its art’. – Washington Post

About Carmen

The theatre version of Carmen was conceived roughly at the same time as the shooting of Carlos Saura’s film.  The film’s success, which took even Gades and Saura by surprise, encouraged Antonio Gades to produce a version for the theatre that turned out to be another masterpiece in the line of Bodas de Sangre and Suite Flamenca.  The premiere in Paris in 1983 was a considerable popular and critical success, revealing Antonio Gades to be not only one of the most important dancers in the world but also one of the greatest choreographers.

Antonio Gades’ reasons for creating this work can be summed up in the ideas that he explained in a press conferences.  In his view “Carmen is neither a frivolous woman nor a man-eater.  She’s just an honest woman who when she loves says she loves and when she doesn’t love and says she doesn’t.  In other words, a free woman.  I don’t think this makes her a maneater.

Carmen also doesn’t treat her feelings as private property.  When she loved she said so and she did the same when she stopped loving.  She also had such an exalted idea of freedom that she preferred to die rather than lose it.  She’s always been treated frivolously and as a maneater.  But Carmen has something essential which is a far cry from all this - her concept of class and her nobility.

Referring to the success of Carmen all over the world, Antonio mentioned the French critics who said that “Merimée brought Carmen to France but we’ve taken her back to Spain.”  Carmen has almost always been treated in a superficial and frivolous way but she is much deeper than that.  He said that Carmen was misunderstood because when Mérimée wrote the work in 1837 she scandalised puritans and those who could not see that she stood for genuine female emancipation.  Don José, on the other hand, is a fugitive from his class, a bourgeois ‘slumming it’ who will not be faithful to her.  He does think of the loved one as private property.

“I did Carmen because I didn’t like the stereotyped false image of her.  She’s a woman who when she loves gives herself wholly and who never forgets what class she is even in the most exalted company.”

Programme Length

Running time of each performance is about 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission.


Gala Flamenca in Hong Kong 2015

Gala Flamenca 星耀佛蘭明高
The 43rd HK Arts Festival 2015年第43屆香港藝術節
Don't miss it !

It is a golden opportunity to enjoy such a high quality Flamenco performance in Hong Kong.

See you there !

Advance booking starts on 15 October 2014 !



26 Feb 2015 (Thu)

Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

27 Feb 2015 (Fri)

Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

28 Feb 2015 (Sat)

Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre

1 Mar 2015 (Sun)

Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre


Flamenco 隨想

玩了Flamenco 結他數年,看過一些關於Flamenco的資料,得出一個啓示,就是Flamenco雖被評為非物質文化遺產,人人把它看成活寶貝。不過,原來它本身並不是什麼貴族血統,甚至沒有人肯定它如何誕生及何時於西班牙出現,從有記錄開始,它的由來只是一班過着刻苦生活的吉卜賽人,為抒發情緒而出現的音樂(Soleares, Seguiriyas, Carcelero等),當時沒有結他或鋼琴伴曲,亦沒有名稱,只有歌聲、舞步和搞擊,後來被當地人加入富有西班牙民歌色彩的元素在Flamenco(Fandango, malaguenas, verdiales, granadinas等),亦由於這個原因,Flamenco便分開了兩個派別,各自精彩。而它的發展並沒有停下來,它接受不同的挑戰和批評,並經歷不斷的改革、演進,茁壯地活到當下。可是它還要改變,要令自己更光更亮。即使是已達神級的Paco de Lucia生前在接受電視台訪問時,亦拿起結他不停地練習Tremolo,以兔浪費光陰,便可知道成功非一朝一夕。



Arthur C.
24 September 2014